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Seafood Education

Seafood for the Future has compiled some seafood-related resources to support your education and outreach efforts.

Find resources and learn more about responsible seafood.

Designed by Grant Higa and Yuki Mori in collaboration with the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Seafood for the Future program Credit: © 2017 Designmatters at ArtCenter College of Design, designed by Grant Higa and Yuki Mori

Seafood for the Future has produced and collected a variety of resources to educate public and stakeholder audiences about responsible seafood and its role in a more nutritious, sustainable, equitable, and resilient food supply. We’ve compiled some of the ‘greatest hits’ in a series of topical toolkits to help make selection of materials easier. We invite you to leverage all of these resources to learn more and educate your audiences and responsible seafood.

Check out our Education Resource Spreadsheet for a full list of education resources. Filter by type of resource including video, fact sheet, story map, and more. Also, explore videos about responsible seafood on our YouTube Channel.

If you are a teacher looking for lesson plans to use in your classroom, check out BRIDGE Ocean Education and PBS LearningMedia.

Explore university, K-12, industry training, and informal aquaculture education opportunities in the Aquaculture Education Opportunities Spreadsheet.

Seafood Education Toolkits

Select one of the topics below to skip to the toolkit of your choice. Each toolkit features resources in the form of videos, fact sheets, and more relating to a specific seafood topic. There is also a list of additional resources, including a list of peer reviewed literature and resources to help educators to build their own understanding of the issue. Please review credit information for each item carefully and attribute credit as appropriate when using and sharing these resources.

  • Jump to Seafood & Food Systems Toolkit
  • Jump to Seafood & Nutrition Toolkit
  • Jump to Seafood & Climate Change Toolkit
  • Jump to Seafood & Ecosystem Services Toolkit
  • Jump to Seafood Technology & Innovation Toolkit
  • Jump to Seafood & Policy: United States Toolkit
  • Back to Seafood for the Future’s Homepage.

    Seafood Education Toolkits

    Aquaculture farmer pulls mussels on a longline out of the water from a boat.

    Credit: Santa Barbara Mariculture

    Seafood & Food Systems

    Responsibly produced seafood can play an important role in supporting a more sustainable and resilient food supply that makes healthy and nutritious food available to everyone.

    Plated oysters

    Credit: Seafood for the Future

    Seafood & Nutrition

    Responsible seafood is a nutritious source of healthy protein, fats, and essential vitamins and nutrients that provide a number of health benefits.

    Two people on a boat pull seaweed on a longline from the water.

    Credit: Ocean Approved

    Seafood & Climate Change

    Producing more food in the ocean (through responsible wild capture fisheries and seafood farming) can help build a food system that is more resilient to the impacts of climate change.

  • Environmental Resilience

  • Social & Economic Resilience

  • Person stands on top of finfish net pen used for aquaculture as it surfaces.

    Credit: Remy Hale, Hog Island Oyster Co.

    Seafood & Benefits to Nature

    Some types of seafood farming can provide ecosystem services that benefit local wildlife and ecosystems.

    Person stands on top of finfish net pen used for aquaculture as it surfaces.

    Credit: NOAA Fisheries

    Seafood Technology & Innovation

    Explore the technological and innovative advancements underway to ensure we can maximize the environmental, health, and economic benefits of seafood while minimizing the risks.

    Two people on a boat with bags of oysters next to bags of oysters on shore.

    Credit: Taylor Shellfish

    Seafood & Policy: United States

    Responsible seafood production should follow laws and policies that are based on appropriate science and designed to maximize benefits to society and the environment while minimizing the risks.

    Share A-lotl Love this Valentine’s

    Adopt an axolotl at the $100+ level to receive a special Valentine’s themed box that includes a snuggly axolotl plush, customizable Valentine’s Day card, an animal fact card and candy. Plus, the first 60 to adopt an axolotl will get an additional gift – an axolotl themed slime! Adopt by February 4 to ensure holiday delivery. While supplies last!