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California brown pelican upstroking its wings

Photo Credit: | CHOUINARD_DUHAMEL 2018

Several brown pelicans on rocks

Photo Credit: Allen Shimada

Primary ThreatsPrimary Threats Conditions

Threats and Conservation Status

Pelicans in California are monitored through annual surveys at nesting sites – most notably Anacapa and Santa Barbara Islands in the Channel Islands National Park. We show below the nest attempt data for these two island breeding locations lumped together.

Although the annual population growth rate from 1999 onward is estimated to be ~2%, the trend line explains so little of the year-to-year variation(< 5%) in number of nest attempts that the population is best classified as stable with fluctuations. Despite recovery from its endangered status, the brown pelican continues to face environmental challenges, including coastal development and human disturbance that causes loss of roosting sites, pollution, and fishing gear entanglement. In addition, overfishing and climate change-related factors have led to reduced populations of anchovies and sardines, which are crucial to the pelicans’ diet. Continued monitoring and management are necessary to ensure the species remains secure.

Population Plots

Data Source: California Institute of Environmental Studies and National Park Service, special thanks to Michael Parker and David Mazurkiewicz.
