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Fish swimming near blue tinted seawall

saving species and restoring ecosystems

Conservation near and far

Mariana Islands map with one starred location

Saving Coral Reefs

In July the Aquarium's Senior Director of Fish and Invertebrates Nate Jaros and Aquarist Jay Harvey traveled to Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands to participate in coral spawning and recovery work with SECORE International, Johnston Applied Marine Sciences, and the Australia Institute of Marine Sciences.

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Diver inspecting corals on a table underwater
California map with San Gabriel Mountains starred

Head-Starting Mountain Yellow-legged Frogs

In August, 122 Mountain Yellow-Legged Frogs were released back to the San Gabriel mountains. Some of these animals hatched at the LA Zoo while others were collected from the waterways and mountains impacted by the Bobcat Fire in 2020. The tadpoles were ‘head-started’ at the Aquarium, which means we cared for them until they metamorphosed into the frog lifestage that gives them a higher likelihood of surviving once released into their native habitat.

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Two mountain yellow legged frogs on rock
California map with Channel Islands starred

Restoring White Abalone

In 2023, the Aquarium's scientific divers actively participated in seven dive trips alongside our partners, to outplant 3,997 endangered white abalone, monitor outplanting sites, and evaluate numerous potential outplanting sites for future recovery efforts.

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small abalone being held in hand viewed up close
Mexico map with one starred location

Hatching a New Generation of Conservationists

In November six teens traveled with Aquarium staff to Oaxaca, Mexico as part of the Student Eco Ambassadors (SEA) program. Two of the teens were sponsored by the Stanley G. Cohen Student Travel Award. During the week-long trip, the teens patrolled turtle nesting beaches, received instruction from a sea turtle researcher, and learned about local communities and culture.

Image: Students on a sunrise patrol for hatchlings along the protected beach of Playa Escobilla. Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific

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People walking on the beach at sunrise
Lorikeet chick in hands spreading wings


lorikeet chicks



annual veterinary
exams & procedures


Multiple people and vet performing an exam on shark
A rescued bird in a pair of gloved hands


Wild birds


birds were released back into the wild after receiving life-saving treatment from Aquarium staff as part of the Oiled Wildlife Care Network