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Axl smiling while surrounded by amphibians

Kids Corner

Pacific Pals Playground

Learn some fun facts about Axl the axolotl and his relatives.

Axl has fun facts to share about some of his amphibian relatives. They are quite “ribbit-ting.”

California Newt

This is the California newt. The bacteria on their backs turns into a toxin that protects them from predatory snakes! The toxin, called tetrodotoxin, is also found in some pufferfish!

Kaiser’s Mountain Newt

This is the Kaiser’s mountain newt. These newts are critically endangered! During the hot, dry summer they’ll hide under rocks and logs to estivate, which is like hibernation but for warm weather.

Sonoran Desert Toad

This is the Sonoran desert toad. When it gets too hot or too cold, these toads like to hide away in rodent burrows. Because they prefer a wet and dark environment, they love to come out on rainy nights!

Magnificent Tree Frog

This is the magnificent tree frog. These frogs can live up to 15 years! Their big toe pads act like suction cups, helping them to climb up rocks and trees!


Just like me, this is the axolotl. We’re critically endangered! Us Axolotls can not only regenerate our limbs, but also our tails, spinal cord, heart, and even parts of our brain!