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New Video Series Highlights Sustainable Farmed Seafood

Series clapboard with Aquarium and Seafood for the Future logos with farmer John Finger and Sarah Newkirk in the background. 900x600 gallery

Kicking off the series at Hog Island Oyster Company in Tomales Bay. We learned about important collaborative efforts to research the relationship between oyster farms and eelgrass. Credit: Seafood for the Future

October 12, 2018

The Aquarium’s Seafood for the Future program, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) University of Southern California (USC) Sea Grant, and other partners have developed an educational series on responsible seafood to tell the stories of the people and farms in the U.S. aquaculture industry. The series, called Ocean to Table: Stories of Food, Farming, and Conservation, aims to increase the public’s knowledge about the many types of responsible aquaculture production, show how science is applied on the farms to support best practices, and familiarize audiences with how to cook seafood dishes.

This series is accompanied by an app-based interactive platform built into the Seafood for the Future exhibit in the Aquarium’s Northern Pacific Preview area on the first floor. USC Sea Grant will lead the development of educational materials (to be released in 2019), including teacher resource guides targeted for formal classroom and informal educators. The app, videos, and educational materials will also be available online.

This project was funded as part of $9.3 million in grants awarded by NOAA’s Sea Grant to support projects in aquaculture research, outreach, and technical assistance.

Visit Seafood for the Future’s website to view the videos, as well as recipes, behind-the-scenes extras, and profiles of the people featured in the series.