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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Aquarium News

Learn about our latest programs and animal updates

Comb jelly on black background

Credit: Robin Riggs

News Articles


September 21, 2015

Rep. Lowenthal Convenes Climate Change Meeting at the Aquarium

On September 2 Rep. Alan Lowenthal convened a forum of stakeholders to share how they are working on climate change issues locally and at the national level.


September 18, 2015

Explore Our Planet with Weekend Shows

Visitors can learn more about our planet during Exploration Shows at 10:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on weekends in the Aquarium’s Ocean Science Center.


September 3, 2015

Marine Life Endangerment and Extinction

By acting quickly to address pollution, overfishing, and climate change, we may be able to halt the trend of ocean extinctions.


July 30, 2015

Students Meet Scientists in New Live Video Program

Career Connections allows students to learn about science careers and see real-life examples of science in action.


July 9, 2015

Schubel Appointed to California Ocean Science Trust Board

The California Ocean Science Trust works with government officials, scientists, and communities to provide independent science to inform ocean and coastal policy.

loggerhead turtle released by NOAA Fisheries

June 2, 2015

Loggerhead Turtle Rehabbed at Aquarium Will Provide New Data

The turtle, a male, was the first loggerhead to be fitted with a satellite tag to track its movements.

Dan Cayan webcast

June 2, 2015

Video: Sea Level Rise Webcast

In a live webcast held June 1, 2015, experts discussed sea level rise in conjunction with the opening of a new photo exhibition at the Aquarium documenting human responses to rising sea levels around the world.

NOAA Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary

April 15, 2015

Ocean Conservation Through Spatial Planning

By preserving spaces in the ocean, rather than just individual species, we can protect habitat for hundreds or thousands of species while increasing the economic value of the ocean and the ecosystem services it provides.


March 31, 2015

New Show Investigates Impacts of Fukushima

The Aquarium debuted a new show for the Science on a Sphere about the Fukushima nuclear accident and its impacts on humans and marine life.

Guest lecturer in front of audience with large graphic on screen.

June 24, 2014

Aquarium Lectures

The Aquarium’s First Wednesdays Series invites experts in the fields of science, conservation, and government, as well as artists, authors, explorers, and more.


September 5, 2013

Aquarium Releases Rehabilitated Sea Turtle

The sea turtle was fitted with a satellite tag before its release so its movements can be tracked. Check back for updates on its location.

Green sea turtle shell with a tracking tag glued on top

June 12, 2012

Rehabilitated Green Sea Turtle Swims Over 500 Miles

The Aquarium rehabilitated and released a green sea turtle this spring, attaching a satellite tag to track its movements.

News Article Thumbnail

May 11, 2012

Aquarium Rehabilitates Endangered Green Sea Turtle

The Aquarium worked with the National Marine Fisheries Service and released the turtle back into the wild on May 11.

spotted lagoon jelly

September 26, 2011

Making Waves

Comb jelly on black background

September 16, 2011

Aquarium News