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Margaret Leinen
Addressing CO2 issues through ocean fertilization
Dr. Margaret Leinen is the Chief Science Officer of Climos, Inc., a company leveraging natural processes to reduce greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Between 2000 and 2007, Dr. Leinen managed the Geosciences Directorate, the second largest at NSF, that funds the majority of new publicly funded research initiatives in ocean, atmospheric and earth science in the United States. Before going to the National Science Foundation, Dr. Leinen was Dean, Graduate School of Oceanography and Vice Provost for Marine and Environmental Programs at the University of Rhode Island. Dr. Leinen is also a well-known researcher in paleo-oceanography and paleo-climatology.
Rae and Wallis: Catch a Wave
Making the Call about Where to Surf Today: Behind the Scenes
Graeme Rae, PhD, is the product manager of and creative source behind, a popular online surfing website focusing on the East Coast. Kevin Wallis is the forecast manager and lead forecaster at Surfline where he develops and supervises the daily surfing forecasts for a large part of the eastern Pacific coast and Hawaii so that surfers will "know before they go".
Richard West
A View of the Ocean from Washington
Rear Admiral Richard West, USN (Re.) is president of the Consortium for Oceanographic Research and Education (CORE) division of the Consortium of Ocean Leadership whose mission is to advance research, education, and sound ocean policy. In his view of the ocean from Washington, Admiral West gives us a candid look at what’s happening now and a peek into the future.
Conrad Lautenbacher: Global Climate Change
Climate Change: NOAA Scientists Predict the Future
The National Ocean and Atmospheric Agency (NOAA), under the direction of Vice Admiral Conrad Lautenbacher, Jr., USN (Ret), is charged with analyzing and predicting the nation’s climate and weather now and into the future. Admiral Lautenbacher explains how NOAA agencies are responding to the need to help society understand, plan for, and respond to climate variability and change.
Dr. William Patzert
The "El Nino Expert"
Bill Patzert has a PhD in oceanography and is a research scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab at the California Institute of Technology.