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It’s the Money, Stupid
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Posted: April 1, 2014
Lecture date: March 4, 2014. During his thirty-five-year career in the Navy, where he reached the rank of vice admiral, Paul Gaffney headed the Navy’s research program and was president of the National Defense University. He served as commissioner on the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy and as vice chair of the National Ocean Research Advisory Panel alongside Aquarium President and CEO Jerry Schubel, succeeding him as chair. He was the president of Monmouth University for ten years and is a member of the National Academy of Engineering.
Government policymaking and bureaucracy can be complicated, but the United States government has made good investments in understanding the World Ocean and supports national ocean programs. Gaffney discussed his personal experience in government, offering both criticisms and praise.
Video Posted: April 1, 2014 | Running time: 45:05
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Aquarium coupons at Baker’s through December