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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Lecture Archive: Mark Gold and Betty Yee

California and the Ocean: Perspectives on the Future

Posted: December 23, 2019

Lecture date: January 12, 2020. Two leaders in ocean conservation and management discuss their perspectives on California’s unique relationship with the ocean and what we can do to ensure a healthy ocean in the future, and one that benefits society economically.

Ocean Protection Council Executive Director Mark Gold and California State Controller Betty Yee were speakers and a discussion with audience Q&A was moderated by Aquarium of the Pacific President and CEO Jerry Schubel.

This talk kicked of a forum on oil rig decommissioning, which gathered regulators from Federal and state agencies, scientists, representatives of commercial and recreational fishing organizations, divers, and other experts to discuss the possibilities and what sustainable options exist for decommissioned oil rigs off the coast of Southern California.

Video Posted: December 23, 2019 | Running time: 86:38

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