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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Lecture Archive: Ghost Gear Panel

Meet the Team Solving the Ghost Gear Problem to Protect Marine Life

Posted: May 28, 2019

Lecture date: June 5, 2019. The Aquarium’s Seafood for the Future program leads a discussion with a panel of experts on the collaborative effort to recover and recycle ghost gear to protect marine life.

Lost or discarded fishing gear that is no longer under a fisher’s control is called ghost gear. Ghost gear causes several problems in the marine environment: It entangles and kills sea life and can damage habitat. In California, scientists, fishermen, regulators, and innovators are teaming up to implement an innovative recovery and recycling program to reduce the loss of fishing gear and collect ghost gear to reduce impacts on marine life and ocean ecosystems.

Panel speakers included:

  • Dick Ogg, fisherman, Bodega Bay, California
  • Kirsten Gilardi, scientist, Co-Director Wildlife Health Center at UC Davis
  • Kurt Lieber, president, Ocean Defenders Alliance
  • David Stover, CEO and Co-Founder, Bureo Inc.
  • Moderated by Kimberly Thompson, Director of Seafood for the Future, Aquarium of the Pacific

Video Posted: May 28, 2019 | Running time: 57:21

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