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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Lecture Archive: Chip Conley

Trading Wisdom Amongst Generations: The New Sharing Economy

Posted: May 28, 2019

Lecture date: April 3, 2019. Chip Conley discussed the lessons he learned in the second chapter of his career and how people can repurpose their wisdom to launch new chapters in their careers.

After running his own boutique hotel company for many years, baby boomer Chip Conley was invited by Airbnb’s millennial cofounder and CEO to join the company as head of global hospitality and strategy. Their intergenerational exchange of wisdom inspired Conley’s new book, Wisdom@Work: The Making of a Modern Elder, and the Modern Elder Academy that he opened in Baja California Sur.

Video Posted: May 28, 2019 | Running time: 76:17

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