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Jay Holcomb

Rehabilitating Oiled Penguins During the Treasure Oil Spill in South Africa

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Posted: January 22, 2013

The largest oiled wildlife rescue and rehabilitation effort ever mounted took place in 2000 in South Africa when an iron ore ship, the Treasure, sank between the two largest breeding islands for African Penguins. Over the ensuing week 40,000 penguins were collected and half were oiled. International Bird Rescue took a lead role in the management of the rescue team. Jay Holcomb managed the rehabilitation facility that cared for 15,000 penguins. Ninety-five percent of the penguins were eventually released back into the wild. Holcomb discusses the rehabilitation process, explaining how changing protocols to fit the situation changed the course of this disaster recovery. Holcomb is the executive director of International Bird Rescue. He spoke at the Aquarium on August 16, 2012.

Video Posted: January 22, 2013 | Running time: 3:26

Lecture Archive

View the presentation in it's entirety: Lecture Archive: Jay Holcomb

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