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Protecting Marine Life

Swim up North America's coast like a whale and you will see its vibrant and diverse life. Some of the places along the way are marine protected areas that ensure safe passage and abundant food for the planet's marine animals. These diverse areas also protect an incredible variety of marine life.
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Connecting Us to Nature

Marine protected areas offer a perfect adventure.
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Jeanine Jones

Atmospheric Rivers, Floods, and Climate Change

In her talk with Mark Jackson on January 25, 2012, Jones discussed recent scientific discoveries are revealing new information about atmospheric rivers—the concentrated streams of moisture that originate over the Pacific Ocean and cause major winter floods in California. Jones is the interstate resources manager for the California Department of Water Management.
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Restoring Our Giant Kelp Forests

How we can recover these declining habitats

Efforts in restoration are showing positive results for our giant kelp forests. Learn why and how it's done.
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Breakwater: Alternative 4

The worlds largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The fourth and final alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study does not actually alter the breakwater at all, but creates a training structure at the mouth of the LA river to push contaminates away from our shores.
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Breakwater: Alternative 2

The world’s largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The second alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study removes the western third of the breakwater. This creates the possibility for waves to reach the shore and water quality improvements, but also the likelihood of the need for mitigation for the Port and the THUMS Islands.
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Breakwater: Alternative 1

The world’s largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The first alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study is proposed by long-time Long Beach resident and engineer Bud Johnson. This is the most cost effective alternative, but researchers think that it does not address the concerns for water quality, habitat improvements, and recreation.
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The El Niño Phenomenon

Exactly what does it mean to have an El Niño season approaching?

Find out more about the science behind the phenomenon and how it may affect you.

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