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They Came from the Bilge!
Managing ballast water to protect ecosystems
Global trade is dominated by ocean transport, but along with goods and commodities ships may also transport biological invaders. Managing ballast water to protect ecosystems and ports from these alien stowaways is a critical tool.
Mountains, Rivers, Ocean
The Water Cycle, Watersheds, and Us
A watershed is where rainwater and snowmelt collects and flows to the ocean. As the water flows down streams and rivers, it carries along part of what it touches, from sand and rocks to trash and pollution. A new Aquarium exhibit shows how a local watershed works.
The World’s Aquarium
Biodiversity and the Gulf of California
The Gulf of California is home to a diverse assemblage of wildlife. This diversity is a reflection of the Gulf's distinctive geography. Impacts to wildlife from a variety of sources threaten many of the rare and endangered species that make the Gulf their home.
The Scalpel’s Edge
The sharp-tailed surgeonfish.
Surgeonfish are colorful members of coral reef communities throughout the tropical Pacific Ocean, popular with divers and aquarists. Their brilliant colors are a warning to potential predators of their sharp defenses.
Back to School
What purpose does a school serve?
As kids head back to classes this September, they aren't the only ones in school. Most species of fish form large aggregations called "schools" as well. The reasons why range from safety in numbers to finding food more easily to saving energy while swimming.
A Good Egg
Eggs-cellent adaptations protect cliff-dwelling seabird eggs
Seabirds nest in remote rookeries, often on high cliffs. Their eggs are adapted to survive the sometimes harsh, highly vertical environment where the birds nest.
Midnight Sun
Adapting to long summer days at high latitudes.
During the summer months above the Arctic Circle, the sun may stay above the horizon for up to weeks or months. Wildlife at these latitudes adapt to the absence of night.