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The Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Plastics Pile up in the North Pacific Gyre

Plastic garbage makes its way from our streets to the sea. Learn where many of these plastics end up, how they impact marine life, and what you can do to help.
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The Fish Doctor

Animal Care Series: Meet Dr. Lance Adams

Meet the Aquarium staff member tasked with giving proper veterinary care to our 11,000 animals.
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Shark Skin

Taking a closer look at shark skin.

Believe it or not, a shark’s mouth isn’t the only place it has teeth!
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Breakwater: Alternative 4

The worlds largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The fourth and final alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study does not actually alter the breakwater at all, but creates a training structure at the mouth of the LA river to push contaminates away from our shores.
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Evolution of Sharks

Sharks: The Ultimate Survivors

Sharks are very successful and adaptive animals. They have been around for 400 million years. Learn more about their evolutionary history listening to the “Evolution of Sharks.”
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Breakwater: Alternative 3

The world’s largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The third alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study reconfigures the breakwater into three staggered sections. This increases the possibility for waves on the shore but also the likelihood of the need for mitigation for the Port and the THUMS Islands.
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Breakwater: Alternative 2

The world’s largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The second alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study removes the western third of the breakwater. This creates the possibility for waves to reach the shore and water quality improvements, but also the likelihood of the need for mitigation for the Port and the THUMS Islands.
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Breakwater: Alternative 1

The world’s largest breakwater is under scrutiny.

The first alternative set forth by the Reconnaissance Study is proposed by long-time Long Beach resident and engineer Bud Johnson. This is the most cost effective alternative, but researchers think that it does not address the concerns for water quality, habitat improvements, and recreation.
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The El Niño Phenomenon

Exactly what does it mean to have an El Niño season approaching?

Find out more about the science behind the phenomenon and how it may affect you.
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Purposeful Predators

You many think that the oceans would be a safer place for all life if top predatory sharks were gone, but just the opposite is true.

Top predatory sharks play a crucial role in the oceans ecosystems. Their predatory behaviors on sick, injured, and lesser predatory animals keep ocean food webs thriving. When you remove top predatory animals, the results can be devastating.
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Common to All Mankind

Conserving marine species and ecosystems

Marine protected areas are found throughout the oceans of the world. They may carry different names – parks, refuges, reserves, sanctuaries – but all serve to preserve and protect the ocean’s biodiversity and ecosystems. The Aquarium of the Pacific and its sister institutions are assisting in the search for possible new marine protected areas along the southern California coast.
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A Shark’s Sixth Sense

Sharks unique ability to sense electrical impulses in the water.

Besides hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and feeling the world around them, sharks are adapted with a sixth sense that allows them to use electroreceptors called Ampullae de Lorenzini. Learn more about this rare ability that aids sharks in the skilled predation of their prey.
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The world’s largest breakwater brings controversy.

Should the Long Beach breakwater be altered to bring back the popular beaches Long Beach enjoyed in the 1930s? A sea of debate surrounds this controversial issue.
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A Toothy Situation

Taking a closer look at shark teeth

The very body part that makes sharks so intimidating is also what makes sharks so fascinating: teeth! From sharks that filter their food instead of biting to sharks that have jaws much like a nutcracker, you can learn a tremendous amount about a shark just by looking at its teeth.
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Sibling Rivalry

Sand tiger sharks get a jump start on predation.

Sibling rivalry takes on a whole new meaning in the case of sand tiger shark reproduction. Discover how these embryonic sharks become experienced predators even before they are born.

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