Aquarium Audio
Hear Our Latest Aquacasts
Greg Stone
Trouble and Hope in an Ocean Paradise
Greg Stone recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on August 20, 2015. He is the executive vice president for Conservation International.
Carl Safina
Beyond Words: How Elephants, Wolves, and Killer Whales Think and Feel
Carl Safina recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on August 25, 2015. He is the author of Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel.
John Gillis
The Future of America’s Vulnerable Coasts
John Gillis recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on June 25, 2015. Gillis is a professor emeritus of history at Rutgers University.
Beth Bahner
Extinct in the Wild: Partnering to Save the Guam Kingfisher
Beth Bahner recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on June 17, 2015. Bahner is the animal collections manager at the Philadelphia Zoo.
Perry Hampton - Reproduction at the Aquarium: The Husbandry Department Tells All
Reproduction at the Aquarium: The Husbandry Department Tells All
Perry Hampton recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on May 12, 2015. Hampton is the Aquarium's vice president of husbandry.
Ellen Prager
The Shark Whisperer
Ellen Prager recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on February 10, 2015. She is the author of The Shark Whisperer, the first in a series of books for young adults.
Anthony Barnosky
Dodging Extinction: Power, Food, Money, and the Future of Life on Earth
Anthony Barnosky recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on January 28, 2015. Barnosky is a professor of Integrative Biology, curator of Fossil Mammals in the Museum of Paleontology, and research paleoecologist in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology University of California, Berkeley.
The Roles of Social Sciences in Ocean Management and Policy
Original broadcast date: January 23, 2015.
Mark Botton
The Horseshoe Crab: National and International Perspectives
Mark Botton recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on January 8, 2015. He discussed horseshoe crab conservation and their role in human health care.
Ty Bowman
Images of the Grand Canyon in 2014 and Environment Impacts in the Last Sixty Years
Ty Bowman recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on October 21, 2014. He discussed his photography of the Grand Canyon.
Stephen Dunbar
ProTECTOR: Saving Turtles, Helping People
Stephen Dunbar recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on October 16, 2014. He discusses sea turtle conservation.
Paul Greenberg
Saving Our Seafood
Paul Greenberg recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on November 10, 2014. He discussed American seafood consumption and sustainable seafood.
John Williams
Medicines from the Sea
John Williams recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on November 4, 2014. He discusses the potential for cancer cures found in marine organisms and the Aquarium's partnership with the City of Hope cancer research center.
William McDaniel
Faces of the Tsunami
William McDaniel recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on August 25, 2014. He discusses disaster response and the 2004 Indonesian tsunami.
Craig MacDonald
Yosemite's Unsung Heroine
Craig MacDonald recorded this Aquacast at the Aquarium on August 19, 2014. MacDonald, a Pulitzer Prize nominee, is the author of eighteen books about the West, and his work has been published in Sierra Heritage magazine.