Aquarium Audio
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Midnight Sun
Adapting to long summer days at high latitudes.
During the summer months above the Arctic Circle, the sun may stay above the horizon for up to weeks or months. Wildlife at these latitudes adapt to the absence of night.
The Grunion Return
The diminutive fish returns to the beaches of Southern California
Each year grunion return to the sandy beaches of Southern California to lay their eggs. This unusual spectacle is readily observable during a walk on the beach, provided you’re willing to stay up late enough.
Natalie Webster
Troll and Pole Tuna Fishing
Natalie Webster is the granddaughter, daughter, and wife of tuna fishermen so tuna fishing and the ups and downs of the tuna industry have long been part of her life. Five years ago she helped found the American Albacore Fishing Association, a small fishery made up of 21 family-owned boats in San Diego, California. She talks to us about her views of the state of the tuna industry today and how the instability and potential bleak future for the industry can be helped.
Desray Reeb: Whale Hugger
A look at the world of whales.
Desray Reeb, Ph.D., is what is commonly called a whale hugger. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of Pretoria, South Africa, where her research included studies of pygmy right whales, mike, humpback, and both northern and southern right whales. More recently she has participated in studies of the northern Pacific right whale in the Bering Sea and sperm whales and other cetaceans in the Gulf of California.
Rae and Wallis: Catch a Wave
Making the Call about Where to Surf Today: Behind the Scenes
Graeme Rae, PhD, is the product manager of and creative source behind, a popular online surfing website focusing on the East Coast. Kevin Wallis is the forecast manager and lead forecaster at Surfline where he develops and supervises the daily surfing forecasts for a large part of the eastern Pacific coast and Hawaii so that surfers will "know before they go".
William Jepson: Information Technology
Welcome to Virtual Los Angeles
Imagine exploring and navigating the bustling city of Los Angeles through a magical combination of aerial photography, street level imagery, and 3D geometry without leaving your chair. Dr. Bill Jepson, Director of the UCLA Urban Simulation Laboratory Team and his team have fashioned a revolutionary and exceptionally realistic interactive navigation tool of the entire Los Angeles Basin that is accurate to the level of the signs in the windows and the graffiti on the walls.
Gerhardt and Pepin: Catch a Wave
Women Surfing: Two Women at the Top of the Wave
Sara Gerhardt and Elizabeth Pepin not only know how to surf waves, they also know how to make them. Each in her own way has pushed the envelope for women in the male-dominated world of surfing. Gerhardt, who has a PhD in physical chemistry, has been a surfer for over 20 years. She was the first woman to surf Mavericks with its 20 foot tall waves. Pepin has been capturing the women's surf scene with her camera since 1997. Her skills at photographing the surfing scene have earned her four Emmy Awards.
Palazzolo: Conservation
Endangered Orangutans of Borneo
Carl Palazzolo, DVM, likes large animals as evidenced by his experiences caring for a 300 pound Siberian tiger. He has traveled the world to work on the conservation of endangered species such as black rhinos in Zimbabwe, Africa and the critically endangered orangutans of Borneo. De Palazzolo shares his experiences with the orangutans and the adventures he has had working to save other endangered species.
Cultured Fish
Breeding marine animals in the Aquarium of the Pacific
Aquarists at the Aquarium of the Pacific have achieved remarkable success in breeding marine organisms. This often involves interesting challenges that result from the unusual ways in which ocean-dwelling animals breed.
Going Deep
The remarkable adaptations of deep-diving seals
Seals have remarkable adaptations for surviving the cold, pressure, and darkness of deep water.
Robert Gottlieb
Discussion on the evolution of Los Angeles
Robert Gottlieb is a Henry R. Luce Professor of Urban and Environmental Policy and Director of the Urban and Environmental Policy Institute at Occidental College in Los Angeles. He is a writer, educator, and activist who has been described as a "pioneer in redefining environmentalism, turning ideas into action, and forging coalitions in the often murky atmosphere of Los Angeles". The author of "Reinventing Los Angeles", he believes that LA can become a more livable and sustainable city.
Passionate Isle
The story of Clipperton Island
Clipperton Island is the easternmost coral atoll in the Pacific Ocean. This remote island enjoys a colorful history. Its isolation is not enough to protect its pristine reefs and unique wildlife from human impacts.
Tropical Pacific Gallery Audio Tour Conclusion
The exhibits in the Aquarium's Tropical Pacific Gallery represent the beautiful marine life found off the coast of Palau.
The Tropical Reef Habitat, which can be viewed from three locations in the gallery, is the Aquarium's largest exhibit. Holding 350,000 gallons of water, this gallery features over a thousand colorful fish and beautiful coral, as well as sharks, rays, sea horses and sea dragons.
Tropical Pacific Gallery Stop 8 Sea Dragons
The exhibits in the Aquarium's Tropical Pacific Gallery represent the beautiful marine life found off the coast of Palau.
The Tropical Reef Habitat, which can be viewed from three locations in the gallery, is the Aquarium's largest exhibit. Holding 350,000 gallons of water, this gallery features over a thousand colorful fish and beautiful coral, as well as sharks, rays, sea horses and sea dragons.
Tropical Pacific Gallery Stop 7 Sea Horses
The exhibits in the Aquarium's Tropical Pacific Gallery represent the beautiful marine life found off the coast of Palau.
The Tropical Reef Habitat, which can be viewed from three locations in the gallery, is the Aquarium's largest exhibit. Holding 350,000 gallons of water, this gallery features over a thousand colorful fish and beautiful coral, as well as sharks, rays, sea horses and sea dragons.