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Mark Plotkin

Rainforest Conservation and the Search for New Jungle Medicines

Dr. Mark Plotkin has spent much of the past thirty years working with medicine men and women of the rainforests. Dr. Plotkin and the Amazon Conservation Team are working with these healers to protect the rainforests and their healing secrets.
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Mark Jackson

The Science and Service of Fire Weather

On average, fires in Southern California scorch more than 100,000 acres each year. When hot and dry Santa Ana winds combine with critically dry vegetation, the potential for large and destructive wildfires dramatically increases.
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Richard L. James

Amazing Butterflies: Nature’s Gift to Us

Learn about monarch and other butterfly species from Richard L. James, a naturalist at Long Beach’s El Dorado Nature Center.
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Donald Prothero

Catastrophes: Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Tornadoes, and Other Earth-Shattering Disasters

Huge natural disasters—from earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions to floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards—have had a profound effect on human history and civilization, often in surprising ways. According to Donald Prothero, humans have an unrealistic and irrational reaction to these natural disasters and fear the ones that are least deadly while taking for granted those that are the most likely killers.
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Dean Wendt

Scientists, Managers, and Fishermen Working Together to Manage California’s Ocean Resources

California recently completed the designation of a new network of marine protected areas (MPAs) along its 800-mile coastline. The process has been heralded as a landmark event in marine resource management and conservation.
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Alex Hall

Mid-Century Climate Change in the Los Angeles Region

Dr. Hall is a professor at University of California, Los Angeles, teaching climate-related courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is the faculty director of the UCLA Center for Climate Change Solutions.
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Kristy Forsgren

Salmon Reproduction and the Effects of a Commonly Used Pesticide

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Maddalena Bearzi

Dolphin Confidential: Confessions of a Field Biologist

Dr. Maddalena Bearzi takes viewers inside the world of a marine mammal field scientist. She offers a firsthand understanding of cetacean behavior, as well as the frustrations, delights, and creativity involved in dolphin research.
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Dr. Bernie Krause

The Great Animal Orchestra

Since 1968 Dr. Bernie Krause has traveled around the world recording and archiving the sounds of creatures and environments.
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Jay Holcomb

Rehabilitating Oiled Penguins During the Treasure Oil Spill in South Africa

The largest oiled wildlife rescue and rehabilitation effort ever mounted took place in 2000 in South Africa when an iron ore ship, the Treasure, sank between the two largest breeding islands for African Penguins.
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Hurricane Sandy and Aquarium’s NOAA Science on a Sphere™

Interview on KNX 1070 News Radio /

KNX Reporter Ron Kilgore recently joined NOAA National Weather Service Meteorologist Mark Jackson at the Aquarium of the Pacific.
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Sustaining Communities

Every year, North America's Marine Protected Areas contribute millions of dollars to the economy.
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Discovering the Ocean’s Secrets

Imagine going to work everyday in the ocean, to study the plants and animals that call it home.
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Protecting Marine Life

Swim up North America's coast like a whale and you will see its vibrant and diverse life. Some of the places along the way are marine protected areas that ensure safe passage and abundant food for the planet's marine animals. These diverse areas also protect an incredible variety of marine life.
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Connecting Us to Nature

Marine protected areas offer a perfect adventure.

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