After the Gulf: What Did We Learn?
On October 21-22, 2010 the Aquarium of the Pacific’s Marine Conservation Research Institute (MCRI) conducted a Forum entitled “After the Gulf: What Did We Learn?” The focus of the first day was preventing recurrence of a similar event and when/if ones does occur, how to respond more efficiently and effectively. The focus of the second day was on the consequences of a continued reliance on fossil fuels, the role the ocean will probably play in meeting the continuing demand for oil, and strategies to accelerate a movement away from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources. A secondary theme was whether an event similar to Deepwater Horizon could occur off California’s coast.
The Forum brought together experts in offshore oil and gas, risk analysis and risk management, economics, renewable energy, shipping, vehicular transportation, environmental impacts, communication strategies, systems science, maritime law, and the Ocean Pollution Act; policy-makers; members of the U.S. Coast Guard who had spent months in the Gulf involved in the clean-up; and a representative of the State Lands Commission, which has authority over California’s offshore oil and gas industry.
Videos of the forum’s speakers and their slideshow presentations are compiled below.
Day 1
Fires on Offshore Platforms: A Risk Analysis Perspective on Piper Alpha by Elisabeth Paté-Cornell [video | PDF]
BP Macondo Tragedy: What We’ve Learned by J. Ford Brett [PDF | video]
Establishing a Culture of Safety by Greg Anderson [video | PDF]
California State Lands Commission Offshore Safety and Pollution Prevention Program by Gregory D. Scott [video | PDF]
Enhancing the Effectiveness & Efficiency of Responding to a Blow-Out or Major Spill by Lieutenant Commander Angelina Hidalgo [video | PDF]
Day 2
The Kind of World We Could Leave to Our Grandchildren Unless We Make Major Changes in Our Energy Choices on a Global Scale Soon by Richard C. J. Somerville [video | PDF]
Strategies to Put Us Onto A Different Trajectory: Observations On Designing and Executing Effective Public Outreach Campaigns by Meredith Blake [video | PDF]
Implications of Climate Stabilization for Energy Use in Transportation: The Demand Side of Shifting Away from Petroleum Use by Wayne Leighty [video | PDF]
Renewables: Getting from Promise to Performance—What Will It Take? by Ed Feo [video | PDF]
The OMEGA Project: Technology Transfer and Commercialization Pathway by Thomas Grimm [video | PDF]