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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Pacific Currents

Read the latest issues of Pacific Currents, our magazine created just for members.

Pacific Currents Spring 2021

Sharks: The Keepers of the Reef

This issue of Pacific Currents focuses on coral reefs. Read about an important study on reef sharks around the world, our efforts to help preserve one of the planet’s most pristine reef ecosystems, and our latest exhibit Coral Reefs: Nature’s Underwater Cities. Also learn about our efforts to help save a local frog species and to learn more about the endangered black sea bass.

Pacific Currents Winter 2021

Overcoming the Challenges of At-Home Schooling

In this new virtual issue, hear from experts on how to help kids adjust to virtual learning, meet new animals at the Aquarium, learn about our many new virtual offerings from Animal Encounters to Gallery Tours, enjoy kid’s activities, and more.

Pacific Currents Fall 2020

Bioluminescence in the Ocean

Bioluminescence, or the ability some plants and animals have to create their own light, is a widespread phenomenon in the ocean. Some marine animals use it for defense, and others to attract a mate.

Pacific Currents Spring 2020

Coral Reefs: Nature's Underwater Cities

Coral reefs are among the most biodiverse ecosystems in the ocean. This summer at the Aquarium, explore coral reefs and learn what is being done to help them survive and thrive in a changing ocean.

Pacific Currents Winter 2020

Helping Local Sea Turtles

Since 2000 the Aquarium has rehabilitated and released fifteen sea turtles that were found stranded or injured along our coast. Learn how the veterinary team cares for these animals and what you can do to help sea turtles.

Pacific Currents Fall 2019

Visions of a Sustainable City

Learn more about the various innovations and potential solutions seen in Pacific Visions to make our cities and communities more sustainable. Find out what you can do to help get closer to making these future cities a reality.

Pacific Currents Spring 2019

Pacific Visions

The new wing houses an art gallery, orientation gallery, the Honda Pacific Visions Theater, and a culmination gallery. Read about the components visitors will experience in each space.

Pacific Currents Winter 2019

Exploration and Discovery

The Aquarium’s education programs engage learners of all ages, both on site during a regular visit and in special offerings available throughout the year. Read about all the programs on offer that your membership and admission dollars support.

Pacific Currents Fall 2018

The Story of Kaya the Seal Pup

In April the Aquarium’s 22-year-old harbor seal Shelby went into labor with her third pup. Here, we are sharing the story of Kaya’s birth and details from her first four months at the Aquarium.

Pacific Currents Spring 2018

Celebrating Our 20th Anniversary

This summer the Aquarium of the Pacific will celebrate its twentieth anniversary. Take a look back at the Aquarium’s history and join in the celebrations.