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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm


Nancy Knowlton with glasses

From Doom & Gloom to #OceanOptimism: Success Stories in Marine Conservation

Nancy Knowlton

From Doom & Gloom to #OceanOptimism: Success Stories in Marine Conservation

Nancy Knowlton

Nancy Knowlton with glasses

An unrelenting torrent of bad news about coral reefs dying, fish populations collapsing, and shorelines choked in plastic has led many to believe we have done irreparable damage to the ocean. Yet the past decades have also witnessed a growing number of successes in saving species, protecting places, harvesting wisely, reducing pollution, and restoring habitats. These and other examples inspired the Ocean Optimism initiative, whose goal is to recognize, learn from, replicate, and celebrate our successes. Knowlton is the Sant Chair for Marine Science at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History and co-host of the Earth Optimism Summit in Washington, D.C.

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$5 for public; FREE for Aquarium members, seniors age 62 and up, teachers, and students with valid ID and advanced reservations.


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$5 for public; FREE for Aquarium members, seniors age 62 and up, teachers, and students with valid ID and advanced reservations.
(562) 590-3100

Share A-lotl Love this Valentine’s

Adopt an axolotl at the $100+ level to receive a special Valentine’s themed box that includes a snuggly axolotl plush, customizable Valentine’s Day card, an animal fact card and candy. Plus, the first 60 to adopt an axolotl will get an additional gift – an axolotl themed slime! Adopt by February 4 to ensure holiday delivery. While supplies last!