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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm


scuba divers underwater for aaus class practicing different skills at the BML dive training facility

CELP Scholar Program Info Session

Virtual Event

Join us virtually to learn more about CELP Scholar Program and application process.

CELP Scholar Program Info Session

Virtual Event

Join us virtually to learn more about CELP Scholar Program and application process.

scuba divers underwater for aaus class practicing different skills at the BML dive training facility

Credit: Genece Grisby

Join a virtual information session to learn more about the CELP Scholar Program an application process. The session will cover the details of the program, eligibility, the application process, and will include an opportunity for Q & A.

Community college, undergraduates, and graduate students interested in applying are encouraged to attend. Educators are welcome as well. The session will be live and available on-demand following the event.

The Aquarium’s CELP Scholar Program seeks to broaden participation in marine sciences, help more students find their own community in STEM, and support students’ persistence in the field. Eligibility includes enrollment in an accredited Southern California community college, undergraduate, master’s, or PhD program.

Learn more about the CELP Scholar Program and eligibility.

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Share A-lotl Love this Valentine’s

Adopt an axolotl at the $100+ level to receive a special Valentine’s themed box that includes a snuggly axolotl plush, customizable Valentine’s Day card, an animal fact card and candy. Plus, the first 60 to adopt an axolotl will get an additional gift – an axolotl themed slime! Adopt by February 4 to ensure holiday delivery. While supplies last!