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Octopus arm in the dark

Adult Member Dive-In Matinee Movie

Adult Member Dive-In Matinee Movie

Octopus arm in the dark

Credit: Robin Riggs

Remember drive-in movie theaters? Well, on April 27 we’re turning our Ocean Theater into a “dive-in” movie theater just for members. Join us a relaxing afternoon where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a film all for free. Please check back closer to the event date for more details.

Invitations to events like Adult Member Dive-In Matinee Movie are part of your membership benefits and are just one of the ways we thank you for your membership support. From the animals that call the Aquarium home, thank you for your membership. We look forward to seeing you then!

Light refreshments will be provided.

Sorry this event has passed.

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Free for members.


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Sold out
April 27, 2016
Free for members.
(562) 437-3474 (FISH) by Monday, April 25.

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