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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Locations & Schedule

Before you arrive with your group, let us introduce you to show times, exhibit locations, interactive stations, and other highlights throughout the Aquarium.

Aquarium employee leads kids up stairs

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Front plaza picnic tables

Front Plaza

Students’ lunches will be collected upon check-in and groups will eat on the front plaza. Picnic tables are available on a first-come first-serve basis.

Bathroom entrance


Bathrooms are located at the nose of the blue whale. Facilities are also available on the second floor and out by shark lagoon.

Harbor Terrace showing touchpool and stairs

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Harbor Terrace

This is the first step in your exploration of the Aquarium. Meet here for classroom and theater educator-led program.

People browsing the Aquarium gift store

The newly expanded and renovated Pacific Collections gift store. View with backdrop of kelp glass wall.

Pacific Collections

The gift store is located in the front of the building next to the exit doors.

Sample Schedule: What is my day going to be like?

Below is a schedule for a group arriving at 9:00am, and participating in an educator-led classroom program at 10:30. Not sure about some of the locations? Need help planning your field trip? Dont hesitate to ask for help.

Time Activity
8:50 Your bus arrives and is greeted by Aquarium staff.
The head chaperone checks-in at Will-Call with numbers and payment
9:00 Students unload the bus; lunches are collected and stored by Aquarium staff
Chaperones can split into smaller groups
9:10 Groups are escorted to Harbor Terrace to begin exploring the Aquarium
10:20 Chaperones and students meet on Harbor Terrace for 10:30 program
10:25 Aquarium educators greet the group at the doors of the Boeing Learning Center
11:20 Students are released to the Great Hall following their classroom program
12:15 Head to the front lawn for lunch. Aquarium staff has your lunches there
1:30 Stop by the bathrooms at the nose of the blue whale
1:45 Visit the gift store (Pacific Collections) on your way to met the bus
2:00 Load up the bus and head back to school.
Chaperon guide layout

Chaperone Maps

This specially-designed Chaperone Orientation Map can help you plan your field trip. Click title to download. Use it for:

Field Trips to the Aquarium

Reservations & Info • (562) 590-3100, ext. 0

  • Provide opportunities to touch animals including sharks, sea stars, anemones, and more
  • Engage and excite students
  • Inspire awe in the Pacific Ocean and the animals that live there
  • Connect to classroom curriculum
  • Require advanced reservation