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Dinoflagellate (Red-Tide Organism)

Lingulodinium polyedra

Lingulodinium polyedra is a single celled dinoflagellate algae. It is photosynthetic, capturing sunlight in the upper layer of the ocean and converting it to chemical energy. When conditions are right these dinoflagellates may go through a population explosion called an algal bloom. Each dinoflagellate contains a reddish colored pigment. During algal blooms they may actually color the water with a reddish tinge (commonly known as a Red Tide). Individual dinoflagellates carry a toxin which if ingested in sufficient quantities can lead to illness and death (paralytic shellfish poisoning). Through a complex chemical process, Lingulodinium polyedra has developed the ability to produce their own living light (bioluminescence) when agitated or disturbed.

single dinoflagellate as seen through a microscope

Lingulodinium polyedra sampled during a 2020 bloom event. Credit: Candice Cross

dinoflagellates as viewed through a microscope

Lingulodinium polyedra sampled during a 2020 bloom event. Credit: Candice Cross


Dinoflagellate (Red-Tide Organism)

Lingulodinium polyedra



Geographic Distribution

These single celled algae are widely distributed in warm temperate and subtropical waters of coastal areas.


Because they are photosynthetic, Lingulodinium polyedra like other algae need light. They are found in the Photic zone or upper layers of the ocean at a depth of 200 meters (650 feet) where light can penetrate.

Physical Characteristics

These tiny armor plated algae are capable of movement with the help of two long, whiplike flagella. The two flagella cause the organism to slowly spin or twirl as viewed through a microscope. The plates are arranged at angles giving the dinoflagellate the appearance of a geometric figure (polyhedron). They are weak swimmers and can be found drifting with other plankton. Structures called chloroplasts contain the colored chlorophyll which traps the sunlight for photosynthesis. During certain stages of its life cycle the dinoflagellate may cover itself with a thick colorless protective covering called a cyst. As a cyst, the dinoflagellate can remain dormant for many years to survive until conditions are favorable or to make preparations to enter a sexual stage of reproduction.


These algae are microscopic (cell sized) at 40—60 um micrometers (millionths of a meter).


They are photosynthetic, converting sunlight energy into chemical energy.


Dinoflagellates reproduce in two ways. Asexually, they reproduce by simple cell division (binary fission) and forming thick walled protective cysts which allow the organism to survive unfavorable conditions. Sexually, they reproduce by the fusion of isogametes (no difference between sperm and egg). Because the sperm and egg look exactly alike they can’t be classified as either male or female. Any two isogametes can fuse to form a young algae.


Lingulodinium polyedra, like other types of dinoflagellates, are capable of swimming and make daily vertical migrations to the surface and back down to the lower depths depending upon the time of day. Because they are photosynthetic, they move toward the surface during the day to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Due to the huge numbers of individuals at the surface, nutrients are in short supply so as night approaches, dinoflagellates migrate downward to take up the remaining nutrients they require. This vertical migration pattern is repeated each day.


Lingulodinium polyedra, like other dinoflagellates, produces a powerful neurotoxin called saxitoxin. The toxin is powerful enough to kill zooplankton which may feed on the dinoflagellate. Because phytoplankton are at the base of many marine food chains, the toxin can be passed on and concentrated in organisms at higher levels. During Red Tide blooms, shellfish, fish, and even mammals such as dolphins, seals, and humans can be affected by paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).

One of the unique adaptations of some dinoflagellates is the ability to produce the living light known as bioluminescence. It is a complicated chemical process that is still not fully understood. Dinoflagellates release light when agitated or disturbed. Wave action or the movement of organisms through the water causes the release of a ghostly bluish light. In nature it is believed that the release of light startles and confuses predators. Another idea is that the flashes of light may act as a type of burglar alarm that attracts larger predators to eat the creatures feeding on the dinoflagellates.


While phytoplankton blooms may last for several weeks, an individual may live for just a few days. If conditions become unfavorable, dinoflagellates can form tough outer coverings (cysts) which allow them to lie dormant and continue to survive many years (even decades) until conditions become favorable again.


As phytoplankton, dinoflagellates like Lingulodinium polyedra make up the base of the food chain in marine environments. They also produce much of the world’s oxygen. Maintaining healthy populations of phytoplankton is important for the entire planet. Increasing global temperatures and the release of pollutants can cause increased occurrences of algal blooms (Red Tide) which are harmful to many species and disrupt the ecosystem in many ways.

Special Notes

Some Red Tide algal blooms are so large that they are visible from space and can be seen in satellite images. Satellites are now being used to monitor and track algal blooms.

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Dinoflagellate (Red-Tide Organism)

Lingulodinium polyedra



These single celled algae are widely distributed in warm temperate and subtropical waters of coastal areas.

Because they are photosynthetic, Lingulodinium polyedra like other algae need light. They are found in the Photic zone or upper layers of the ocean at a depth of 200 meters (650 feet) where light can penetrate.

These tiny armor plated algae are capable of movement with the help of two long, whiplike flagella. The two flagella cause the organism to slowly spin or twirl as viewed through a microscope. The plates are arranged at angles giving the dinoflagellate the appearance of a geometric figure (polyhedron). They are weak swimmers and can be found drifting with other plankton. Structures called chloroplasts contain the colored chlorophyll which traps the sunlight for photosynthesis. During certain stages of its life cycle the dinoflagellate may cover itself with a thick colorless protective covering called a cyst. As a cyst, the dinoflagellate can remain dormant for many years to survive until conditions are favorable or to make preparations to enter a sexual stage of reproduction.

These algae are microscopic (cell sized) at 40—60 um micrometers (millionths of a meter).

They are photosynthetic, converting sunlight energy into chemical energy.

Dinoflagellates reproduce in two ways. Asexually, they reproduce by simple cell division (binary fission) and forming thick walled protective cysts which allow the organism to survive unfavorable conditions. Sexually, they reproduce by the fusion of isogametes (no difference between sperm and egg). Because the sperm and egg look exactly alike they can’t be classified as either male or female. Any two isogametes can fuse to form a young algae.

Lingulodinium polyedra, like other types of dinoflagellates, are capable of swimming and make daily vertical migrations to the surface and back down to the lower depths depending upon the time of day. Because they are photosynthetic, they move toward the surface during the day to absorb as much sunlight as possible. Due to the huge numbers of individuals at the surface, nutrients are in short supply so as night approaches, dinoflagellates migrate downward to take up the remaining nutrients they require. This vertical migration pattern is repeated each day.

Lingulodinium polyedra, like other dinoflagellates, produces a powerful neurotoxin called saxitoxin. The toxin is powerful enough to kill zooplankton which may feed on the dinoflagellate. Because phytoplankton are at the base of many marine food chains, the toxin can be passed on and concentrated in organisms at higher levels. During Red Tide blooms, shellfish, fish, and even mammals such as dolphins, seals, and humans can be affected by paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP).

One of the unique adaptations of some dinoflagellates is the ability to produce the living light known as bioluminescence. It is a complicated chemical process that is still not fully understood. Dinoflagellates release light when agitated or disturbed. Wave action or the movement of organisms through the water causes the release of a ghostly bluish light. In nature it is believed that the release of light startles and confuses predators. Another idea is that the flashes of light may act as a type of burglar alarm that attracts larger predators to eat the creatures feeding on the dinoflagellates.

While phytoplankton blooms may last for several weeks, an individual may live for just a few days. If conditions become unfavorable, dinoflagellates can form tough outer coverings (cysts) which allow them to lie dormant and continue to survive many years (even decades) until conditions become favorable again.

As phytoplankton, dinoflagellates like Lingulodinium polyedra make up the base of the food chain in marine environments. They also produce much of the world’s oxygen. Maintaining healthy populations of phytoplankton is important for the entire planet. Increasing global temperatures and the release of pollutants can cause increased occurrences of algal blooms (Red Tide) which are harmful to many species and disrupt the ecosystem in many ways.

Some Red Tide algal blooms are so large that they are visible from space and can be seen in satellite images. Satellites are now being used to monitor and track algal blooms.