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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm


East Coast Sea Nettle group

Atlantic Sea Nettle

Chrysaora quinquecirrha

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Lepus californicus

blue spotted jawfish

Bluespotted Jawfish

Opistognathus rosenblatti

"Bumpy" Jelly

Bumpy Jelly

Stellamedusa ventana

Comb jelly on black background

Comb Jelly (Sea Walnut)

Mnemiopsis leidyi

flower hat jelly

Flower Hat Jelly

Olindias formosus

Giant Isopod

Giant Isopod

Bathynomus giganteus

Japanese Sea Nettle Bell

Japanese Sea Nettle

Chrysaora pacifica

Johnsons Sea Cucumber

Johnsons Sea Cucumber

Parastichopus johnsoni


Lion’s Mane Jelly

Cyanea capillata

moon jelly on dark background

Moon Jelly

Aurelia aurita


Pacific Sea Nettle

Chrysaora fuscescens

purple striped jellyfish on blue background

Purple-striped Jelly

Chrysaora colorata

Red-eyed Medusa floating in murky water

Red-eyed Medusa

Polyorchis pencillatus

spotted lagoon jelly

Spotted Lagoon Jelly

Mastigias papua

Upside down jelly on sand

Upside Down Sea Jelly

Cassiopea xamachana