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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm


Alkali Heath - pink flower

Alkali Heath

Frankenia salina

Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Atlantic Horseshoe Crab

Limulus polyphemus

black-crowned night heron

Black-crowned Night Heron

Nycticorax nycticorax

California Halibut

California Halibut

Paralichthys californicus

a wet Hellbender salamander resting on a rock

Eastern Hellbender

Cryptobranchus alleganiensis

Aquarium Placeholder Image Blue with Logo

Great Hammerhead Shark

Sphyrna mokarran

Halfmoon Sideview


Medialuna californiensis

Harbor Seal

Harbor Seal

Phoca vitulina sp

honeycomb moray eel

Honeycomb Moray

Gymnothorax favagineus

Hooded Pituhoi with green background

Hooded Pituhoi

Pitohui dichrous

horn shark sitting on bottom of exhibit

Horn Shark

Heterodontus francisci

puffin in portrait with dark backdrop

Horned Puffin

Fratercula corniculata

Humpback Whale

Humpback Whale

Megaptera novaeangliae

Pacific Hagfish on seafloor

Pacific Hagfish

Eptatretus stoutii

Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Yellow Crowned Night Heron

Nyctanassa violacea