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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 6:00 pm

Brook the Sea Otter Turns 20

Brook the sea otter birthday

Here's Brook celebrating her seventeenth birthday in 2014. Credit: Photo by Hugh Ryono

June 6, 2017

On World Ocean Day we celebrate the importance of the ocean to humans and marine life, celebrate conservation success stories, and look for ways to become better ocean stewards. This special day is also the birthday of one of the oldest sea otters living at a zoo or aquarium, who is a rescue animal. Brook the sea otter is inviting everyone to her twentieth birthday on Thursday, June 8, at 4:00 p.m.

Brook was born on June 8, 1997, and was originally housed at a marine mammal center. She went through a rehabilitation program and was deemed non-releasable into the wild. At the Aquarium of the Pacific, Brook can often be seen on deck in the ice pile and is one of the most photogenic of the Aquarium’s otters.

Join Brook as she celebrates her birthday with the Aquarium’s staff and otter friends. Guests are invited to wear birthday hats and join us in singing Happy Birthday to Brook as she enjoys her favorite foods, treats, and gifts. Brook’s birthday celebration is included with general admission.