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Aquarium of the Pacific - A Non-profit Organization
Today's Hours: 9:00 am – 8:00 pm


For Teachers, Parents, and Students! The Aquarium of the Pacific welcomes homeschool families to use the Aquarium as a teaching tool.

Educator in classroom holding kelp

Credit: Aquarium of the Pacific/Andrew Reitsma

Homeschool Field Trip Details

Can’t make the homeschool events? Book a field trip, and receive the same group rate. Advanced reservations are required. See restrictions below:

Field Trip Options Cost
Aquarium Admission - Self-Guided Exploration

  • Self-guided adventure through the Aquarium with adult chaperones.
$9/participant (minimum 10 participants)
Aquarium Admission Plus Education Program

  • Programs are led by an Aquarium educator in one of our learning spaces.
  • Check out our program options.
$12/participant (minimum 20 participants)

All school programs are led by an Aquarium educator and take place in the Splash and Tidal Zone classrooms, the Watershed classroom, the Ocean Science Center or the Ocean Theater.

Suggested Classroom Programs

Wigglie Squigglies
Ages: 5-8 years old (grades K-3)

They may be spineless, but there is power in numbers! Most animals in the ocean do not have backbones.

Join us as we examine amazing invertebrates, like sea stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers and others found in the classroom touch pool. By taking part in exciting activities, students will discover how some of these spineless creatures adapt to their watery world.

Ages: 8-12 years old (grades 3-7)

The oceans are full of unexpected predators. Learn the variety of strategies these animals use to catch their prey.

Take a close look at shark jaws to learn more about how animals’ jaws are specially suited for their prey. This class is a great way for multi-aged groups of children to learn more about the predators of the ocean.

A Look Inside: Squid Dissection
Ages: 11+ years old (grades 6-12)

How does a squid swim? How many hearts do they have? The answers to these and more questions can be found with a closer look inside.

Make your first incision into the amazing world of cephalopod taxonomy and anatomy. Your students will discover the ins and outs to these interesting animals in this hands-on dissection.

Field Trips to the Aquarium

Reservations & Info • (562) 590-3100, ext. 0

  • Provide opportunities to touch animals including sharks, sea stars, anemones, and more
  • Engage and excite students
  • Inspire awe in the Pacific Ocean and the animals that live there
  • Connect to classroom curriculum
  • Require advanced reservation